Web Manager

Release Notes - Sprint: MCMS 49,50
Created by Amruta Jadhav  

New Feature:

CMS-17777 Price widget dynamic changes

Checkbox “show date and stay/duration below the price” is implemented in Results panel price widget which will display dates for the lowest price for types.

CMS-18110 Create link for minArrival date and maxArrival date

The minArrival date and maxArrival date widget option is created in type search which can be configured to set min/max arrival dates. Also, arrival dates can be passed as URL params.

CMS-18173 Step selector bookings module flow

The step selector widget is implemented for pages for identification on which step we are in booking flow.


CMS-16756 Order of languages in the web manager

It is now possible to reorder languages displayed in web manager by dragging and dropping. The first one of selected locales will be default locale of admin panel. 

CMS-14703 Styling of the edit

Position of edit is changed and is moved to top left on the image.

CMS-18425 Design- using categories for content and pages/posts

The design changes for fields for creating categories in web content/post are made. Also, the field for category selection is styled in the Asset publisher.

CMS-18230 Split option for image and document to asset/file

A select field is implemented inside the button widget which will allow user to select the type of asset (media/document).